eSTEAMATiON - Профессиональный серверный эмулятор Steam-а

Обсуждаем все, что относится к выделенным серверам *NIX (Unix, Linux) и Windows
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 2
Зарегистрирован: 05.02.2011

#2926 Сообщение 05.02.2011, 16:37

Здравствуйте. Поставил эмуль на l4d2. При конекте выбивает ошибку No steam logon. Решил пропатчить. Файлов которые указанны в инструкции я не нашел. Решил пропатчить сделал так ./ugsp_amd64 -esteamation-prep, все пропатчилось. Но после патча сервер крашится. В чем проблема помогите.

Сообщения: 658
Зарегистрирован: 14.04.2007

#2927 Сообщение 05.02.2011, 22:44

И так туча народу ныла ныла по поводу проблемы с появлением кучи сообщений о колбэках И никто кроме kolobok_66 не предоставил никакой информации.
И после колобка в тему писало как минимум 2-ое из тех кто в прошлом тоже писал о данной проблеме(Loco и net-master) но никаких логов они не предоставили - хотя net-master сообщил что сервер не фризится полностью а возвращается в рабочее состояние через несколько минут(Что уже является хоть и небольшой но информацией).

А с рапортом колобка всё просто замечательно(Не даром я сразу про 4-ый вариант спросил).

Имеем клиент сразу после подключения которого появляются куча сообщений фильтрации и опубликованный фриз.
В случае колобка это клиент steamclient 2009 2-nd gen от бирчука.

Заметил ли кто-нибудь что-то очень не стандартное в этом логе от колобка?
Ответ - да, я заметил и причём совсем нестандартное и даже неожиданное.
А именно сообщение eST о том что клиент отключился ещё до прибытия первого колбэка коорый должен выкинуть клиента.
Смысл steamclient-а от Valve на сервере пытаться выкинуть уже ушедшего клиента(Скорее всего клиент вылетел при подключении) - хороший вопрос который задать надо Valve. Но обход проблемы надо делать в eST.
И так что я сделал в TRUNK:
Добавил опцию для настройки логирования отключившихся клиентов.
Добавил опцию для настройки логирования Callback Control.
Callback Control теперь проверяет внутренний список клиентов eST и фильтрует Callback-и только для тех клиентов которые ещё на сервере(Думаю как минимум подвисон в случае колобка_66 будет полностью решён).

Но одного рапорта не досттаочно что-бы быть уверенным на 100% - Нужны ещё рапорты.
Местный Дьявол
OpenPtch Library
SmartFTP Universal Keyfilemaker and Patch
BootIt NG Keymaker and Patch
Iceni Infix 4.X Universal Patch
Killing Floor Deadly Survival MOD

Сообщения: 8
Зарегистрирован: 06.02.2011

#2928 Сообщение 06.02.2011, 00:24

Блин фигня какая то стала с подключением к серверу! Вот уже пару дней.
Cуть вот в чем:
Сервак отображаеться в Глобальном поиске! Но когда друзья нажимают на него чтобы войти, он пишет "Сервер не отвечает"! Если через конект зайти то все норм. Есть у кого какие мысли???
P.S. IP-шник Статический, сервер настроен. все работает! :(
Сервер Source v58

Еще в Батнике пишет:
.... eSTEAMMATiON Callback Control: Filtered Out "No Steam logon(Error witch Steam connection)" callback.

Сообщения: 191
Зарегистрирован: 05.02.2007

#2929 Сообщение 06.02.2011, 00:48

Alex989 писал(а):Блин фигня какая то стала с подключением к серверу! Вот уже пару дней.
Cуть вот в чем:
Сервак отображаеться в Глобальном поиске! Но когда друзья нажимают на него чтобы войти, он пишет "Сервер не отвечает"! Если через конект зайти то все норм. Есть у кого какие мысли???
P.S. IP-шник Статический, сервер настроен. все работает! :(
Сервер Source v58

Еще в Батнике пишет:
.... eSTEAMMATiON Callback Control: Filtered Out "No Steam logon(Error witch Steam connection)" callback.
На клиентской стороне пускай ревэму новый ставят. Или на сервак engine.dll/ старый(до 28.01.11) ставь.
Последний раз редактировалось Danfocus 06.02.2011, 00:49, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 465
Зарегистрирован: 22.06.2010
Откуда: World Wide Web

#2930 Сообщение 06.02.2011, 01:19

Alex989 писал(а):...Блин фигня какая то стала с подключением к серверу...
Не в той теме ищете ответ... Вам скорей всего надо сюда. Эта ваша "незадача" никакого отношения к этому эмулятору не имеет.
Alex989 писал(а):Еще в Батнике пишет:
.... eSTEAMMATiON Callback Control: Filtered Out "No Steam logon(Error witch Steam connection)" callback.
Что это у вас за bat'ник такой интересный?

Чуть выше глаза поднимите, vityan666 всех вас просит предоставить ему рапорты:
vityan666 писал(а):[All]Но одного рапорта не достаточно что-бы быть уверенным на 100% - Нужны ещё рапорты.
Что толку в вашем "пустом" крике?
Вы что думаете, я за вас буду свою работу делать?

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 2
Зарегистрирован: 05.02.2011

#2931 Сообщение 06.02.2011, 07:43

Помогите. Игра L4D 2. Клиента при коннекте выкидывает с ошибкой No steam logon.
************** WARNING ***************
Running the dedicated server as root
is highly discouraged. It is generally
unnecessary to use root privileges to
execute the dedicated server.

The server will continue to launch in 10 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 9 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 8 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 7 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 6 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 5 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 4 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 3 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 2 seconds\rThe server will continue to launch in 1 seconds\rServer will auto-restart if there is a crash.
Using breakpad crash handler
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; unable to locate a running instance of Steam, or a local steamclient.dll.
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(0)/version(4448)
Running a benchmark to measure system clock frequency...
Finished RDTSC test. To prevent the startup delay from this benchmark, set the environment variable RDTSC_FREQUENCY to 3010.000000 on this system. This value is dependent upon the CPU clock speed and architecture and should be determined separately for each server. The use of this mechanism for timing can be disabled by setting RDTSC_FREQUENCY to 'disabled'.
#Using breakpad minidump system
#Console initialized.
#Game.dll loaded for "Left 4 Dead 2"
Server is hibernating
ConVarRef test_progression_loop doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Parent cvar in server.dll not allowed (spit_scaling_min_scale)
Unable to load plugin "..left4dead2/addons/metamod/bin/server"
Game supporting (2) split screen players
maxplayers set to 18
Server logging enabled.
Server logging data to file logs/L000_000_000_000_0_201102052213_000.log
L 02/05/2011 - 22:13:32: Log file started (file "logs/L000_000_000_000_0_201102052213_000.log") (game "/home/zefl/l4d2/left4dead2/left4dead2") (version "4448")
Server logging enabled.
L 02/05/2011 - 22:13:32: Log file closed
Server logging data to file logs/L000_000_000_000_0_201102052213_001.log
L 02/05/2011 - 22:13:32: Log file started (file "logs/L000_000_000_000_0_201102052213_001.log") (game "/home/zefl/l4d2/left4dead2/left4dead2") (version "4448")
Writing cfg/banned_ip.cfg.
Writing cfg/banned_user.cfg.
Unknown command "mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar"
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27033 SV / 0 CL
---- Host_NewGame ----
Host_NewGame on map c1m1_hotel
ConVarRef room_type doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Executing dedicated server config file
Initializing Director's script
Couldn't find any entities named fire13_timer, which point_template fire13_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire13_clip, which point_template fire13_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire13_smoke, which point_template fire13_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire13_fog_volume, which point_template fire13_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire14_timer, which point_template fire14_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire14_clip, which point_template fire14_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire14_smoke, which point_template fire14_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire14_fog_volume, which point_template fire14_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire15_timer, which point_template fire15_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities nameSetting breakpad minidump AppID = 550
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
d fire15_clip, which point_template fire15_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire15_smoke, which point_template fire15_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire15_fog_volume, which point_template fire15_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire16_timer, which point_template fire16_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire16_clip, which point_template fire16_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire16_smoke, which point_template fire16_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire16_fog_volume, which point_template fire16_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_07-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire03-sound, which point_template fire03-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire04-sound, which point_template fire04-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire10-sound, which point_template fire10-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire27-sound, which point_template fire27-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire28-sound, which point_template fire28-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_02-sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_02-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_01-sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_01-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_03-sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_03-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_04-sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_04-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_05-sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_05-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_06-sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_06-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_07-particles, which point_template fire_ballroom_07-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_07-point1, which point_template fire_ballroom_07-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_07-point3, which point_template fire_ballroom_07-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_07-point5, which point_template fire_ballroom_07-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_07-point6, which point_template fire_ballroom_07-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_07-hurt, which point_template fire_ballroom_07-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_07-sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_07-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_08-sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_08-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_09-sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_09-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_10-sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_10-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_11-sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_11-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named inferno02-sound, which point_template inferno02-template is specifying.
prop_door_rotating has Door model (models/props_downtown/metal_door_112_dm03_01.mdl) with no door_options! Verify that SKIN is valid, and has a corresponding options block in the model QC file
prop_door_rotating has Door model (models/props_downtown/metal_door_112_dm03_01.mdl) with no door_options! Verify that SKIN is valid, and has a corresponding options block in the model QC file
WARNING: orator at 454 5671 2684 missing modelname
Attempting to precache model, but model name is NULL
Commentary: Loading commentary data from maps/c1m1_hotel_commentary.txt.
Initializing Director's script
Failed to load Steam ServiceServiceStart: failed to start

.oPYo. ooooo .oPYo. .oo o o .oo ooooo o .oPYo. o o
8 8 8. .P 8 8b d8 .P 8 8 8 8 8b 8
.oPYo. `Yooo. 8 `boo .P 8 8`b d'8 .P 8 8 o8 8 8 8`b 8
8oooo8 `8 8 .P oPooo8 8 `o' 8 oPooo8 8 8 8 8 8 `b 8
8. 8 8 8 .P 8 8 8 .P 8 8 8 8 8 8 `b8
`Yooo' `YooP' 8 `YooP' .P 8 8 8 .P 8 8 8 `YooP' 8 `8

eSTEAMATiON SCI Library v2.0 Release Candidate 8 UPDATE 1 has been loaded
eSTEAMATiON SCI is going to serve [Mod: left4dead2][AppID: 550]
eSTEAMATiON SCI Loaded 81 entries from XML TZ Database.

eSTEAMATiON SCI STEAM3 ParaEmulation System.
Version : 2.0
Type: Release Candidate 8 UPDATE 1
Release Date: 24 November 2010 11:30 AM

eSTEAMATiON SCI configuration has been successfully determined(Local config).
eSTEAMATiON SCI configuration is as following:

LEGACY RevEmu 2-Nd Generation Clients: ACCEPT
LEGACY RevEmu 3-Rd Generation Clients: ACCEPT
RevCrew's SteamClient 2009 Clients: ACCEPT
RevCrew's SteamClient 2009 2-Nd Gen Clients: ACCEPT
RevCrew's SteamClient 2009 2-Nd Gen Clients With NS Items: ACCEPT(WITH ITEMS)
RevCrew's SteamUp Clients: ACCEPT
SteamUp/AVSMP Clients: ACCEPT
Legit Steam Clients: ACCEPT
Cracked Steam Clients: ACCEPT
Stryder's L4D2 Loaders: ACCEPT
SETTI server scanner: ACCEPT
SETTI server scanner detection method: STANDARD
Unknown Clients: ACCEPT
Unknown Steam simulating Clients: ACCEPT
Unknown NonSteam simulating Clients: ACCEPT
Unknown TokenLess Clients: ACCEPT

REJECT Clients after initial validation process compliation: ENABLED
USE CUSTOM messages for Client's rejection: DISABLED
CUSTOM rejection messages file line scan limit: 8192 bytes per line

GLOBAL SteamID mode for Non-Steam Client's without unique ID's support: by IP
GLOBAL SteamID mode for Supported(Known) NonSteam Clients: Unique ID's
GLOBAL SteamID mode for Legit Valve and Cracked Steam Clients: Unique ID's

Enable logging of Client type to console on connect: ENABLED(STAT)
Enable logging of REJECTED Client type to console on connect: ENABLED(STAT)
Enable NSNET client operations logging: DISABLED
Enable DEBUG file logging: DISABLED

Callback Control extension: DISABLED
Minimal Certificate patch extension: DISABLED
Correction of Valve's Ticket timestamp verification: ACTIVE

Enable eSTEAMATiON STEAM2 subsystem: DISABLED(STEAM3 Mode)
Enable eSTEAMATiON SCI Extended STEAM2 AUTH extension: DISABLED

Writing cfg/banned_ip.cfg.
Writing cfg/banned_user.cfg.
L 02/05/2011 - 22:13:38: eSTEAMATiON SCI Client Info: Client's RevCrew's SteamClient 2009 2-Nd Gen With NS Items LoadOut items cannot be used or they are invalid
Server waking up from hibernation
Client "Your name" connected (
Invalid counterterrorist spawnpoint at (1735.1,1184.0,1184.0)
Invalid counterterrorist spawnpoint at (1698.3,1184.0,1184.0)
Invalid counterterrorist spawnpoint at (1750.6,1184.0,1184.0)
Invalid counterterrorist spawnpoint at (1762.1,1184.0,1184.0)
Invalid counterterrorist spawnpoint at (1699.3,1184.0,1184.0)
Invalid counterterrorist spawnpoint at (1742.4,1184.0,1184.0)
Invalid counterterrorist spawnpoint at (1693.5,1184.0,1184.0)
Invalid counterterrorist spawnpoint at (2608.0,1184.0,1184.0)
Invalid counterterrorist spawnpoint at (2539.3,1184.0,1184.0)
Invalid counterterrorist spawnpoint at (2560.1,1184.0,1184.0)
Invalid counterterrorist spawnpoint at (2514.1,1184.0,1184.0)
Invalid counterterrorist spawnpoint at (2440.0,1184.0,1184.0)
Invalid counterterrorist spawnpoint at (1859.7,1184.0,1184.0)
Invalid counterterrorist spawnpoint at (1797.5,1184.0,1184.0)
Invalid counterterrorist spawnpoint at (1772.1,1184.0,1184.0)
Invalid counterterrorist spawnpoint at (2144.0,2656.0,2656.0)
Invalid counterterrorist spawnpoint at (2072.0,2656.0,2656.0)
Invalid counterterrorist spawnpoint at (908.8,2817.0,2817.0)
Invalid counterterrorist spawnpoint at (2303.4,2816.0,2816.0)
ConVarRef mat_hdr_manual_tonemap_rate doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Could not establish connection to Steam servers.
String Table dictionary for soundprecache should be rebuilt, only found 9753 of 16164 strings in dictionary
String Table dictionary for Scenes should be rebuilt, only found 6769 of 13177 strings in dictionary
VAC secure mode disabled.
L 02/05/2011 - 22:13:44: eSTEAMATiON SCI Client Info: Client <ID STEAM_0:0:1034597250><IP> <EMU REVCREW_STEAMCLIENT_2009_2ND_GEN_NS_ITEMS> left the server
Server is hibernating
ConVarRef test_progression_loop doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Couldn't find any entities named fire13_timer, which point_template fire13_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire13_clip, which point_template fire13_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire13_smoke, which point_template fire13_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire13_fog_volume, which point_template fire13_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire14_timer, which point_template fire14_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire14_clip, which point_template fire14_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire14_smoke, which point_template fire14_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire14_fog_volume, which point_template fire14_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire15_timer, which point_template fire15_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire15_clip, which point_template fire15_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire15_smoke, which point_template fire15_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire15_fog_volume, which point_template fire15_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire16_timer, which point_template fire16_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire16_clip, which point_template fire16_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire16_smoke, which point_template fire16_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire16_fog_volume, which point_template fire16_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_07-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named ds-f3ceilingF1-DECAL, which point_template ds-f3ceilingF1-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named ds-f3ceilingF2-DECAL, which point_template ds-f3ceilingF2-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named ds-f3ceilingF3-DECAL, which point_template ds-f3ceilingF3-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named ds-f3ceilingF4-DECAL, which point_template ds-f3ceilingF4-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named ds-f3ceilingF5-DECAL, which point_template ds-f3ceilingF5-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named ds-f3ceilingF6-DECAL, which point_template ds-f3ceilingF6-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire03-sound, which point_template fire03-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire04-sound, which point_template fire04-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire10-sound, which point_template fire10-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire27-sound, which point_template fire27-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire28-sound, which point_template fire28-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_02-sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_02-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_01-sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_01-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_03-sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_03-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_04-sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_04-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_05-sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_05-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_06-sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_06-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_07-particles, which point_template fire_ballroom_07-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_07-point1, which point_template fire_ballroom_07-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_07-point3, which point_template fire_ballroom_07-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_07-point5, which point_template fire_ballroom_07-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_07-point6, which point_template fire_ballroom_07-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_07-hurt, which point_template fire_ballroom_07-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_07-sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_07-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_08-sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_08-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_09-sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_09-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_10-sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_10-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_11-sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_11-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named inferno02-sound, which point_template inferno02-template is specifying.
prop_door_rotating has Door model (models/props_downtown/metal_door_112_dm03_01.mdl) with no door_options! Verify that SKIN is valid, and has a corresponding options block in the model QC file
prop_door_rotating has Door model (models/props_downtown/metal_door_112_dm03_01.mdl) with no door_options! Verify that SKIN is valid, and has a corresponding options block in the model QC file
WARNING: orator at 454 5671 2684 missing modelname
Attempting to precache model, but model name is NULL
Initializing Director's script
Dropped Your name from server (No Steam logon)
L 02/05/2011 - 22:13:58: eSTEAMATiON SCI Client Info: Client's RevCrew's SteamClient 2009 2-Nd Gen With NS Items LoadOut items cannot be used or they are invalid
Server waking up from hibernation
Client "Your name" connected (
ConVarRef mat_hdr_manual_tonemap_rate doesn't point to an existing ConVar
String Table dictionary for soundprecache should be rebuilt, only found 9753 of 16164 strings in dictionary
String Table dictionary for Scenes should be rebuilt, only found 6769 of 13177 strings in dictionary
L 02/05/2011 - 22:13:58: eSTEAMATiON SCI Client Info: Client <ID STEAM_0:0:1034597250><IP> <EMU REVCREW_STEAMCLIENT_2009_2ND_GEN_NS_ITEMS> left the server
Server is hibernating
ConVarRef test_progression_loop doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Couldn't find any entities named fire13_timer, which point_template fire13_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire13_clip, which point_template fire13_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire13_smoke, which point_template fire13_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire13_fog_volume, which point_template fire13_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire14_timer, which point_template fire14_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire14_clip, which point_template fire14_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire14_smoke, which point_template fire14_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire14_fog_volume, which point_template fire14_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire15_timer, which point_template fire15_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire15_clip, which point_template fire15_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire15_smoke, which point_template fire15_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire15_fog_volume, which point_template fire15_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire16_timer, which point_template fire16_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire16_clip, which point_template fire16_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire16_smoke, which point_template fire16_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire16_fog_volume, which point_template fire16_template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_07-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named ds-f3ceilingF1-DECAL, which point_template ds-f3ceilingF1-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named ds-f3ceilingF2-DECAL, which point_template ds-f3ceilingF2-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named ds-f3ceilingF3-DECAL, which point_template ds-f3ceilingF3-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named ds-f3ceilingF4-DECAL, which point_template ds-f3ceilingF4-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named ds-f3ceilingF5-DECAL, which point_template ds-f3ceilingF5-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named ds-f3ceilingF6-DECAL, which point_template ds-f3ceilingF6-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire03-sound, which point_template fire03-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire04-sound, which point_template fire04-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire10-sound, which point_template fire10-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire27-sound, which point_template fire27-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire28-sound, which point_template fire28-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_02-sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_02-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_01-sound, which point_template fire_ballroom_01-template is specifying.
Couldn't find any entities named fire_ballroom_03-sound, which point_template fire_ballro
Проблема решена! ; RU:
; Если данная опция включена будет активировано расширение Callback Control позволяющее администраторам использовать свои сервера с оригинальным
; (не паченным) движком.
; Прим: Только некоторые сервера STEAM3 поддерживаются данным расширением.

EnableCallbackControlExtension = True

Далее перед запуском сервера убедитесь в отсутствии файла steamclient_SCI_cache_win.bin в папке server_root\cfg, если имеется удаляем иначе eST не переинсталируется, и запускаем сервер.
Последний раз редактировалось Z_L 06.02.2011, 12:03, всего редактировалось 2 раза.

Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 22.06.2010

#2932 Сообщение 06.02.2011, 10:49

Игра: Garry's Mod.
Всех ностим клиентов (но 1 чел со стимапа все-таки зашел) кикает с причиной No Steam Logon.
Хотя по логу данный тип клиента разрешен( SteamUp ACCEPTED )
L 02/05/2011 - 12:21:55: eSTEAMATiON SCI STATS Info: <ID стимайди><IP айпи> <EMU STEAMUP_OR_AVSMP> STATUS:ACCEPTED
Client "ник" connected (айпи:27005).
L 02/05/2011 - 12:21:55: eSTEAMATiON SCI Client Info: Client <ID стимайди><IP айпи> <EMU STEAMUP_OR_AVSMP> left the server
Dropped ник from server (No Steam logon
Z_L, спасибо, пофиксилось!
Последний раз редактировалось FreeRunner 06.02.2011, 20:59, всего редактировалось 3 раза.

Сообщения: 349
Зарегистрирован: 30.12.2007

#2933 Сообщение 06.02.2011, 22:40

Виктор, когда у меня так вис, я выкладывал логи, единственное, что дамп srcds.exe тогда забыл сделать. И после зависания такого, сервер ни разу не выходил из такого состояния, хотя проходил не один час.
В данный момент такой глюк уже не происходил довольно давно. Сейчас сервер вылетает только с access violation и то, такое впечатление, что это кто-то досит, т.к. бывает серв работает несколько дней без проблем, а сегодня, например, за ночь вылетел 4 раза.

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 266
Зарегистрирован: 29.10.2010
Поблагодарили: 4 раза

#2934 Сообщение 06.02.2011, 22:51

Вот ребята выкладываю кусок лога , а точнее то что в него записалось последним ( последние строки перед зависанием) , потому что потом сервер просто завис , а процессор начал сильно греться ..
Кусок лога
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:33: "Extrime |vampir <1620><STEAM_0:0:764083837><>" entered the game
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:33: "Extrime |vampir <1620><STEAM_0:0:764083837><Unassigned>" disconnected (reason "Вы были отключены за использование резервного слота")
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:33: L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:33: eSTEAMATiON SCI Client Info: Client <ID STEAM_0:0:764083837><IP> <EMU REVCREW_STEAMCLIENT_2009_2ND_GEN_NS_ITEMS> left the server
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:33: "ЗЕмля_НЫчка<1574><STEAM_0:0:26171308><TERRORIST>" killed "_ZMEY_UYSKOE_<1584><STEAM_0:1:31689679><CT>" with "m3" (headshot)
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:34: L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:34: eSTEAMATiON SCI STATS Info: <ID STEAM_0:0:1119564023><IP> <EMU REVCREW_STEAMCLIENT_2009_2ND_GEN_NS_ITEMS> STATUS:ACCEPTED
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:34: L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:34: eSTEAMATiON SCI Client Info: Client's RevCrew's SteamClient 2009 2-Nd Gen With NS Items LoadOut items cannot be used or they are invalid
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:34: "Unmoored<1621><STEAM_0:0:1119564023><>" connected, address ""
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:34: "Unmoored<1621><STEAM_0:0:1119564023><>" STEAM USERID validated
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:35: L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:35: eSTEAMATiON Callback Control: Filtered Out "No Steam logon(Error with Steam connection)" callback
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:35: "BART!<1577><STEAM_0:1:33730746><CT>" killed "JEKA.:FM:.<1596><STEAM_0:0:962874597><TERRORIST>" with "ak47" (headshot)
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:36: "BART!<1577><STEAM_0:1:33730746><CT>" killed "Hanter <1601><STEAM_0:0:1859614843><TERRORIST>" with "ak47" (headshot)
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:37: "Unmoored<1621><STEAM_0:0:1119564023><>" entered the game
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:37: "Unmoored<1621><STEAM_0:0:1119564023><Unassigned>" disconnected (reason "Вы были отключены за использование резервного слота")
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:37: L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:37: eSTEAMATiON SCI Client Info: Client <ID STEAM_0:0:1119564023><IP> <EMU REVCREW_STEAMCLIENT_2009_2ND_GEN_NS_ITEMS> left the server
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:37: "321<1615><STEAM_0:0:239448935><TERRORIST>" changed name to "<FaTalisT>"
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:38: "akella<1579><STEAM_0:0:981393054><CT>" killed "ЗЕмля_НЫчка<1574><STEAM_0:0:26171308><TERRORIST>" with "awp"
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:39: L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:39: eSTEAMATiON SCI STATS Info: <ID STEAM_0:0:764083837><IP> <EMU REVCREW_STEAMCLIENT_2009_2ND_GEN_NS_ITEMS> STATUS:ACCEPTED
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:39: L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:39: eSTEAMATiON SCI Client Info: Client's RevCrew's SteamClient 2009 2-Nd Gen With NS Items LoadOut items cannot be used or they are invalid
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:39: "Extrime |vampir <1622><STEAM_0:0:764083837><>" connected, address ""
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:39: "Extrime |vampir <1622><STEAM_0:0:764083837><>" STEAM USERID validated
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:40: L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:40: eSTEAMATiON Callback Control: Filtered Out "No Steam logon(Error with Steam connection)" callback
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:41: "BART!<1577><STEAM_0:1:33730746><CT>" killed "SLavIK 45rus<1578><STEAM_0:0:1555414037><TERRORIST>" with "knife"
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:41: "KERYA 86<1485><STEAM_0:0:448734578><TERRORIST>" killed "BART!<1577><STEAM_0:1:33730746><CT>" with "m4a1"
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:43: "Extrime |vampir <1622><STEAM_0:0:764083837><>" entered the game
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:43: "Extrime |vampir <1622><STEAM_0:0:764083837><Unassigned>" disconnected (reason "Вы были отключены за использование резервного слота")
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:43: L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:43: eSTEAMATiON SCI Client Info: Client <ID STEAM_0:0:764083837><IP> <EMU REVCREW_STEAMCLIENT_2009_2ND_GEN_NS_ITEMS> left the server
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:43: "Axmed!!!<1610><STEAM_0:0:724463831><CT>" killed "swisse<1607><STEAM_0:0:446071687><TERRORIST>" with "m4a1"
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:43: "[VU]^FIL_74rus<1532><STEAM_0:0:300940472><TERRORIST>" killed "Axmed!!!<1610><STEAM_0:0:724463831><CT>" with "awp"
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:45: L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:45: eSTEAMATiON SCI STATS Info: <ID STEAM_0:0:764083837><IP> <EMU REVCREW_STEAMCLIENT_2009_2ND_GEN_NS_ITEMS> STATUS:ACCEPTED
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:45: L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:45: eSTEAMATiON SCI Client Info: Client's RevCrew's SteamClient 2009 2-Nd Gen With NS Items LoadOut items cannot be used or they are invalid
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:45: "Extrime |vampir <1623><STEAM_0:0:764083837><>" connected, address ""
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:45: "Extrime |vampir <1623><STEAM_0:0:764083837><>" STEAM USERID validated
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:45: "777 42RUS<1599><STEAM_0:1:37457989><CT>" killed "<FaTalisT><1615><STEAM_0:0:239448935><TERRORIST>" with "awp"
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:45: L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:45: eSTEAMATiON Callback Control: Filtered Out "No Steam logon(Error with Steam connection)" callback
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:45: "[kh]<MeN[aWp]PrO_<1522><STEAM_0:0:365274680><CT>" triggered "camper"
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:45: "ded+SuSanIN<1533><STEAM_0:0:1666516252><TERRORIST>" triggered "camper"
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:47: "Extrime |vampir <1623><STEAM_0:0:764083837><>" entered the game
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:47: "Extrime |vampir <1623><STEAM_0:0:764083837><Unassigned>" disconnected (reason "Вы были отключены за использование резервного слота")
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:47: L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:47: eSTEAMATiON SCI Client Info: Client <ID STEAM_0:0:764083837><IP> <EMU REVCREW_STEAMCLIENT_2009_2ND_GEN_NS_ITEMS> left the server
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:49: "Asbest-Parazit<1583><STEAM_0:0:595458953><CT>" killed "[VU]^FIL_74rus<1532><STEAM_0:0:300940472><TERRORIST>" with "awp"
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:50: "akella<1579><STEAM_0:0:981393054><CT>" killed "KERYA 86<1485><STEAM_0:0:448734578><TERRORIST>" with "m3" (headshot)
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:52: "BART!<1577><STEAM_0:1:33730746><CT>" say "ахмед кака"
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:53: "SLavIK 45rus<1578><STEAM_0:0:1555414037><TERRORIST>" disconnected (reason "Disconnect by user.")
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:53: L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:53: eSTEAMATiON SCI Client Info: Client <ID STEAM_0:0:1555414037><IP> <EMU REVCREW_STEAMCLIENT_2009_2ND_GEN_NS_ITEMS> left the server
L 02/07/2011 - 00:23:53: "NikotiN_72rus<1570><STEAM_0:0:1291057583><CT>" killed "ded+SuSanIN<1533><
Может это как то поможет решить проблему ?..

С уважением Алексей...
CPU -AMD Phenom II X6 1100T Black Edition (HDE00ZF) 3.3 ГГц
MEM -SAMSUNG DDR-III DIMM 4Gb <PC3-10600> x4 - 16Гб
OC - Linux Debian 6.0.1 amd_64

Мой сервер CS:GO [NO-STEAM] :

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 465
Зарегистрирован: 22.06.2010
Откуда: World Wide Web

#2935 Сообщение 06.02.2011, 22:52

Z_L писал(а):...Далее перед запуском сервера убедитесь в отсутствии файла steamclient_SCI_cache_win.bin в папке server_root\cfg, если имеется удаляем иначе eST не переинсталируется, и запускаем сервер.
Вот этот bat'ник для серверов WINDOWS - делает это все в "автоматическом" режиме - смотрим
Могу добавить в батник функцию создания архива со всеми логами сервера и последующей чистки папок от логов, которые уже упакованы в архив :wink:
Вы что думаете, я за вас буду свою работу делать?

Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 22.06.2010

#2936 Сообщение 07.02.2011, 15:15

теперь серв крашится при заходе рандомных пираток...

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 23
Зарегистрирован: 19.12.2010

#2937 Сообщение 07.02.2011, 18:37

какая и скольки разрядная ОС?

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 266
Зарегистрирован: 29.10.2010
Поблагодарили: 4 раза

#2938 Сообщение 07.02.2011, 20:49


Windows 7 32 битная Максимальная Лицензия
CPU -AMD Phenom II X6 1100T Black Edition (HDE00ZF) 3.3 ГГц
MEM -SAMSUNG DDR-III DIMM 4Gb <PC3-10600> x4 - 16Гб
OC - Linux Debian 6.0.1 amd_64

Мой сервер CS:GO [NO-STEAM] :

Сообщения: 8
Зарегистрирован: 06.02.2011

#2939 Сообщение 08.02.2011, 09:56

vityan666 писал(а):[kolobok66rus]
Если ставлю обновление на сервере от 28.01.2011 , это версия 82 папки bin , то No-Steam игроки не могу зайти на сервер через браузер игры , зайти можно только через консоль через connect ..
Это обновление протокола Server Information. bir3yk работает над обновлением эмулятора для поддержки изменений.

vityan666 или bir3yk когда появиться новый патч?! :blush:

И еще Danfocus и Grizli777 умные вы мои! Причем сдесь сам КС?! Если дело совсем вдругом! :no:
Последний раз редактировалось Alex989 08.02.2011, 09:59, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 465
Зарегистрирован: 22.06.2010
Откуда: World Wide Web

#2940 Сообщение 08.02.2011, 11:19

Alex989 - простите, вы что - гоните? О каком КС я тут упоминал?
Вы что думаете, я за вас буду свою работу делать?

Закрыто Вложения 57