Страница 12 из 16

Re: Глюки Непонятные - сюда ВСЕ, ЧТО НЕ В ТЕМУ

Добавлено: 05.12.2009, 18:39
Zlocorp писал(а):proplayer666
Все хватает, скорее не видит, вопрос почему? Не видит даже если запускать не через создание карт к моду МОД, а к примеру через создание карт к ЕП2. То есть ЕП2 не видит своих же моделей и текстур.

Вот скрин
D:\cracked steam\
путь с пробелами, из-за этого может быть
попробуй путь без пробелов

Re: Глюки Непонятные - сюда ВСЕ, ЧТО НЕ В ТЕМУ

Добавлено: 05.12.2009, 21:23
Это Стим Переустанавливать, а там Фейк Фактори 20 Гб :(
Ну попробовать можно

Re: Глюки Непонятные - сюда ВСЕ, ЧТО НЕ В ТЕМУ

Добавлено: 05.12.2009, 21:25
Зачем? Просто перенеси папку. Или в крайнем случае если юзаешь ntfs сделай хардлинк

Re: Глюки Непонятные - сюда ВСЕ, ЧТО НЕ В ТЕМУ

Добавлено: 18.03.2010, 23:26
Помню давно был такой глюк на другом компе. Теперь взялись опять Source SDK и тоже самое.
В играх на движке HL2ep1 в hammer в просмотре, когда включаешь текстуры то в ep2 всё видно, как и в игре, в если создавать карту под HL2 то всё черное делается когда включаешь просмотр с текстурами

Re: Глюки Непонятные - сюда ВСЕ, ЧТО НЕ В ТЕМУ

Добавлено: 22.03.2010, 11:01
Почему у меня стандартные модели некоторые не работают, в хаммере они отображаются а после компиляции их вообще нет на карте: абсолютно все модели не работают из cs_office

Re: Глюки Непонятные - сюда ВСЕ, ЧТО НЕ В ТЕМУ

Добавлено: 22.03.2010, 18:59
Hammer Warnig
Не могу запустить Хаммер выдает ошибку. Чистка реестра не помогает. Проверял кеш на целостность все нормально. Лицензионная оранжевая коробка.

Re: Глюки Непонятные - сюда ВСЕ, ЧТО НЕ В ТЕМУ

Добавлено: 04.04.2010, 09:06
Для корректной работы нужно хотя бы раз запустить выбранную в SDK игру через Steam.
Еще можешь попробовать Reset Game Configurations в меню SDK.

Re: Глюки Непонятные - сюда ВСЕ, ЧТО НЕ В ТЕМУ

Добавлено: 19.04.2010, 21:00
Итак глюк.
Если запускать МОД, и играть, то вся озвучка на английском, и в настройках русский выставить нельзя. Однако в самом ХЛ2 ЕП2 все нормально. Жутко бесит... Какие есть идеи по поводу устранения?

В конфигах вроде везде русский стоит

Re: Глюки Непонятные - сюда ВСЕ, ЧТО НЕ В ТЕМУ

Добавлено: 19.04.2010, 23:18
У меня таа-а-а-а-аккая проблема!!!
Описывать долго, тем более уже описал все тут [http://forum.csmania.ru/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=22614] но ясного ответа так и не получил((( Помогите, касается это пропажи респов игроков, точнее, количество игроков очень малое (1-3) а появляются на разных респах.
Только ответ напишите в мою тему, а то тут я даже не узнаю ни о чем(((

Re: Глюки Непонятные - сюда ВСЕ, ЧТО НЕ В ТЕМУ

Добавлено: 20.04.2010, 17:00
Приветствую вас, жители сети. Пришёл просить о помощи.
** Executing...
** Command: "D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin\vbsp.exe"
** Parameters: -game "D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry" "D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry\maps\gb_BattleTower"

Valve Software - vbsp.exe (May 19 2009)
2 threads
materialPath: D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry\materials
Loading D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry\maps\gb_BattleTower.vmf
Can't find surfaceprop stone for material AOC_SORROW/ROCK2_3, using default
Can't find surfaceprop stone for material AOC_SORROW/ROCK2_1, using default
Can't find surfaceprop stone for material AOC_SORROW/ROCK3_2, using default
Patching WVT material: maps/gb_battletower/aoc_sorrow/blend_grounddirtsand_wvt_patch
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
ProcessBlock_Thread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
ProcessBlock_Thread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
done (0)
writing D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry\maps\gb_BattleTower.prt...Building visibility clusters...
done (0)
Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
Displacement 11 has bad geometry near -501.50 -531.00 -138.09
Can't compile displacement physics, exiting. Texture is AOC_SORROW/ROCK2_3

** Executing...
** Command: "D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin\vvis.exe"
** Parameters: -game "D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry" "D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry\maps\gb_BattleTower"

Valve Software - vvis.exe (May 19 2009)
2 threads
reading d:\steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry\maps\gb_BattleTower.bsp
Error opening d:\steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry\maps\gb_BattleTower.bsp

** Executing...
** Command: "D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin\vrad.exe"
** Parameters: -game "D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry" "D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry\maps\gb_BattleTower"

Valve Software - vrad.exe SSE (May 19 2009)

Valve Radiosity Simulator
2 threads
[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[48 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading d:\steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry\maps\gb_BattleTower.bsp
Error opening d:\steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry\maps\gb_BattleTower.bsp

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry\maps\gb_BattleTower.bsp" "D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\age of chivalry\maps\gb_BattleTower.bsp"

The command failed. Windows reported the error:
"Не удается найти указанный файл."
Карты копилятся, кроме этой. Вот не знаю в чём проблема. Есть кто ведающий? Буду крайне блогадарен :Rose: :Rose: :Rose:

Re: Глюки Непонятные - сюда ВСЕ, ЧТО НЕ В ТЕМУ

Добавлено: 20.04.2010, 17:15
Может из-за того, что в пути пробелы есть

D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\age of chivalry\maps\gb_BattleTower.bsp"

Re: Глюки Непонятные - сюда ВСЕ, ЧТО НЕ В ТЕМУ

Добавлено: 20.04.2010, 18:39
Не поэтому, скорее всего.
Наверное из-за восклицательного знака, или где-то параметры не те выставлены (у самого такое было).

Re: Глюки Непонятные - сюда ВСЕ, ЧТО НЕ В ТЕМУ

Добавлено: 20.04.2010, 19:14
к сожалению не в этом проблема, но всё равно спасибо.
** Executing...
** Command: "D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin\vbsp.exe"
** Parameters: -game "D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry" "D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry\maps\gb_BattleTower"

Valve Software - vbsp.exe (May 19 2009)
2 threads
materialPath: D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry\materials
Loading D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry\maps\gb_BattleTower.vmf
Can't find surfaceprop stone for material AOC_SORROW/ROCK2_3, using default
Can't find surfaceprop stone for material AOC_SORROW/ROCK2_1, using default
Can't find surfaceprop stone for material AOC_SORROW/ROCK3_2, using default
Patching WVT material: maps/gb_battletower/aoc_sorrow/blend_grounddirtsand_wvt_patch
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
ProcessBlock_Thread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
ProcessBlock_Thread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
done (0)
writing D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry\maps\gb_BattleTower.prt...Building visibility clusters...
done (0)
Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
Displacement 11 has bad geometry near -501.50 -531.00 -138.09
Can't compile displacement physics, exiting. Texture is AOC_SORROW/ROCK2_3

** Executing...
** Command: "D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin\vvis.exe"
** Parameters: -game "D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry" "D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry\maps\gb_BattleTower"

Valve Software - vvis.exe (May 19 2009)
2 threads
reading d:\steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry\maps\gb_BattleTower.bsp
Error opening d:\steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry\maps\gb_BattleTower.bsp

** Executing...
** Command: "D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin\vrad.exe"
** Parameters: -game "D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry" "D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry\maps\gb_BattleTower"

Valve Software - vrad.exe SSE (May 19 2009)

Valve Radiosity Simulator
2 threads
[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[48 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading d:\steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry\maps\gb_BattleTower.bsp
Error opening d:\steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry\maps\gb_BattleTower.bsp

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry\maps\gb_BattleTower.bsp" "D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry\maps\gb_BattleTower.bsp"

** Executing...
** Command: d:\steam!\steam.exe
** Parameters: -applaunch 17510 -game "D:\Steam!\steamapps\yooracul\age of chivalry\ageofchivalry" +map "gb_BattleTower"

Re: Глюки Непонятные - сюда ВСЕ, ЧТО НЕ В ТЕМУ

Добавлено: 20.04.2010, 20:33
golyboi писал(а):Displacement 11 has bad geometry near -501.50 -531.00 -138.09
Can't compile displacement physics, exiting. Texture is AOC_SORROW/ROCK2_3
Всем по двойке :D

Re: Глюки Непонятные - сюда ВСЕ, ЧТО НЕ В ТЕМУ

Добавлено: 30.04.2010, 15:06
и сново здраствуйте!
** Executing...
** Command: "D:Steam!steamappsyooraculsourcesdkbinorangeboxbinvbsp.exe"
** Parameters: -game "D:Steam!steamappsyooraculage of chivalryageofchivalry" "D:Steam!steamappsyooraculage of chivalryageofchivalrymapsek_Fortress.vmf"

Valve Software - vbsp.exe (Apr 28 2010)
2 threads
materialPath: D:Steam!steamappsyooraculage of chivalryageofchivalrymaterials
Loading D:Steam!steamappsyooraculage of chivalryageofchivalrymapsek_Fortress.vmf
material "1default/toolsnodraw" not found.
Material not found!: 1DEFAULT/TOOLSNODRAW
Can't find surfaceprop stone for material AOC_SORROW/ROCK2, using default
Brush 36258: bounds out of range
Brush 36271: bounds out of range
Could not locate 'GameData' key in d:steam!steamappsyooraculage of chivalryageofchivalrygameinfo.txt
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
ProcessBlock_Thread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (1)
**** leaked ****
Entity func_useableladder (1145.51 -2209.40 485.30) leaked!

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (2048.0 -4608.0 1792.0)
Leaf 0 contents:
Leaf 1 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (1538.0 -4096.0 1792.0)
Leaf 0 contents:
Leaf 1 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (1026.0 -4096.0 1792.0)
Leaf 0 contents:
Leaf 1 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (512.0 -4096.0 1792.0)
Leaf 0 contents:
Leaf 1 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (2048.0 -5632.0 1792.0)
Leaf 0 contents:
Leaf 1 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (2048.0 -6656.0 1792.0)
Leaf 0 contents:
Leaf 1 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (-512.0 -4096.0 -7.0)
Leaf 0 contents:
Leaf 1 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (-512.0 -4096.0 163.0)
Leaf 0 contents:
Leaf 1 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

*** Suppressing further FindPortalSide errors.... ***
Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
Chop Details...done (0)
Find Visible Detail Sides...
Merged 12 detail faces...done (0)
Merging details...done (0)
done (0)
Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Finding displacement neighbors...
Found a displacement edge abutting multiple other edges.
Warning: overflowed 44 displacement corner-neighbor lists.Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (1) (148059 bytes)
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 507 texinfos to 454
Reduced 19 texdatas to 18 (411 bytes to 360)
Writing D:Steam!steamappsyooraculage of chivalryageofchivalrymapsek_Fortress.bsp
4 seconds elapsed

** Executing...
** Command: "D:Steam!steamappsyooraculsourcesdkbinorangeboxbinvvis.exe"
** Parameters: -game "D:Steam!steamappsyooraculage of chivalryageofchivalry" "D:Steam!steamappsyooraculage of chivalryageofchivalrymapsek_Fortress"

Valve Software - vvis.exe (Apr 28 2010)
2 threads
reading d:steam!steamappsyooraculage of chivalryageofchivalrymapsek_Fortress.bsp
reading d:steam!steamappsyooraculage of chivalryageofchivalrymapsek_Fortress.prt
LoadPortals: couldn't read d:steam!steamappsyooraculage of chivalryageofchivalrymapsek_Fortress.prt

** Executing...
** Command: "D:Steam!steamappsyooraculsourcesdkbinorangeboxbinvrad.exe"
** Parameters: -game "D:Steam!steamappsyooraculage of chivalryageofchivalry" "D:Steam!steamappsyooraculage of chivalryageofchivalrymapsek_Fortress"

Valve Software - vrad.exe SSE (Apr 28 2010)

Valve Radiosity Simulator
2 threads
[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[48 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading d:steam!steamappsyooraculage of chivalryageofchivalrymapsek_Fortress.bsp
No vis information, direct lighting only.
Setting up ray-trace acceleration structure... Done (4.81 seconds)
3579 faces
5 degenerate faces
1114503 square feet [160488560.00 square inches]
179 Displacements
191125 Square Feet [27522088.00 Square Inches]
0 direct lights
BuildFacelights: 0 warning - face vectors parallel to face normal. bad lighting will be produced
...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (1)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0135 sec>
FinalLightFace: 0 warning - face vectors parallel to face normal. bad lighting will be produced
warning - face vectors parallel to face normal. bad lighting will be produced
SampleRadial: Punting, Waiting for fix
...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (4)
FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
ThreadComputeLeafAmbient: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (13)
Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to Finish

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
------------ --------------- --------------- --------
models 1/1024 48/49152 ( 0.1%)
brushes 426/8192 5112/98304 ( 5.2%)
brushsides 4294/65536 34352/524288 ( 6.6%)
planes 4780/65536 95600/1310720 ( 7.3%)
vertexes 5388/65536 64656/786432 ( 8.2%)
nodes 2262/65536 72384/2097152 ( 3.5%)
texinfos 454/12288 32688/884736 ( 3.7%)
texdata 18/2048 576/65536 ( 0.9%)
dispinfos 179/0 31504/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_verts 20739/0 414780/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_tris 34432/0 68864/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_lmsamples 355269/0 355269/0 ( 0.0%)
faces 3579/65536 200424/3670016 ( 5.5%)
hdr faces 0/65536 0/3670016 ( 0.0%)
origfaces 1953/65536 109368/3670016 ( 3.0%)
leaves 2264/65536 72448/2097152 ( 3.5%)
leaffaces 3862/65536 7724/131072 ( 5.9%)
leafbrushes 1028/65536 2056/131072 ( 1.6%)
areas 3/256 24/2048 ( 1.2%)
surfedges 24707/512000 98828/2048000 ( 4.8%)
edges 13386/256000 53544/1024000 ( 5.2%)
LDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
HDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
leafwaterdata 0/32768 0/393216 ( 0.0%)
waterstrips 327/32768 3270/327680 ( 1.0%)
waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
waterindices 5277/65536 10554/131072 ( 8.1%)
cubemapsamples 0/1024 0/16384 ( 0.0%)
overlays 0/512 0/180224 ( 0.0%)
LDR lightdata [variable] 1408876/0 ( 0.0%)
HDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 0/16777216 ( 0.0%)
entdata [variable] 4405/393216 ( 1.1%)
LDR ambient table 2264/65536 9056/262144 ( 3.5%)
HDR ambient table 2264/65536 9056/262144 ( 3.5%)
LDR leaf ambient 1706/65536 47768/1835008 ( 2.6%)
HDR leaf ambient 2264/65536 63392/1835008 ( 3.5%)
occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
static props [variable] 1/7308 ( 0.0%)
pakfile [variable] 211600/0 ( 0.0%)
physics [variable] 148059/4194304 ( 3.5%)
physics terrain [variable] 17913/1048576 ( 1.7%)

Level flags = 0

Total triangle count: 9636
Writing d:steam!steamappsyooraculage of chivalryageofchivalrymapsek_Fortress.bsp
22 seconds elapsed

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "D:Steam!steamappsyooraculage of chivalryageofchivalrymapsek_Fortress.bsp" "D:Steam!steamappsyooraculage of chivalryageofchivalrymapsek_Fortress.bsp"

** Executing...
** Command: d:steam!steam.exe
** Parameters: -applaunch 17510 -game "D:Steam!steamappsyooraculage of chivalryageofchivalry" +map "ek_Fortress"
После запуска Run map у меня темнеет в глазах, учещается дыхание, руки дрожат, чуство какой-то беспомощности после чегоя теряю сознание... Просыпаюсь уже в больнице, у меня нет ноги и одного глаза, врачи уже почти сдались. Я сдался - что мне делать!?
Ну а если серьёзно - карта компилируется после чего запускается мод, КЭП, но при запуске уже непосредственно самой карты происходит самое интересное - она не запускается, просто отрубается и я возращаюсь в главное меню самой игры. Прошу помощи)

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